Your contribution goes straight to those who need it most. Vintage 4 Good is a project of Friends of Fauna, a 501c3 charity.

How it works
Many families in rural Kenya face hunger, often going without food several times a week. Through the Vintage4Good project, our generous supporters donate quality vintage items. When you purchase one of our curated items, you directly fund the purchase of bulk, long-lasting foods like lentils, rice, beans, and dried corn.
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Locally sourced, long lasting, bulk food
We focus food purchases on long lasting foods like lentils, beans, rice, and dried corn.
501c3 charity project
All donations to Vintage4Good or purchases made through Vintage4Good, are processed through Friends of Fauna, a 501c3 charity.
Enrich & employ local people
Through purchasing of jewelry or food items and distributing food back into the local community, we empower and strengthen the local community.
Low to no overhead costs
Food is purchased in Kenya by Kenyans, from local food shops. Food is then transported, using public transit, deeper into rural Kenya.

Handmade Maasai Jewelry

Vintage Earrings

Where does the food come from?
Our volunteers negotiate and purchase bulk, long shelf life foods in 90kg sacks from local wholesalers and drive the food into rural villages.

Vintage Necklaces

How far does my dollar go?
Exchange rates and wholesale prices change daily, but, on average, your $1 donation will purchase 1kg (2.2lbs) of food.
The most commonly requested and purchased foods are beans, lentils, dried corn and ugali (corn flour). All of these are long shelf life foods that are very filling once cooked.